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Promote Your Book

After publishing your book, you'll want to promote it to prospective readers. You can promote your book yourself with email, websites, and other outreach. We've also provided the programs in the table below to help you.

Recorded webinar: Developing a promotional strategy

Program How it can help
Author CentralShare the most up-to-date information about yourself and your works with millions of readers
Amazon AdvertisingPurchase advertising to promote your KDP eBooks and paperbacks
Free PromotionsMake your eBook available at no charge for a limited time
Kindle Countdown DealsOffer a limited-time discount with a countdown timer
Kindle eBook pre-orderLet customers order your eBook as early as one year before its release date
Buying and Gifting eBooks for OthersRun a social media giveaway, gift your books to readers at an event, or send copies to newsletter subscribers
Lending for KindleWhen readers buy a book they like, they can lend it to others
Share with Kindle Instant Book PreviewsShare a link to a free preview of your Kindle book
Sample ChaptersShow potential readers a small portion of your book

Note: You're welcome to promote your book through third-party websites and other services, but we encourage you to monitor the tactics they use to promote your books. You are responsible for ensuring that no tactics used to promote your book manipulate the Kindle publishing service and/or Kindle programs. We advise against using any sites that "guarantee" a return on your investment. We support our authors' efforts to promote their books worldwide, but at the same time we work to prevent any manipulation of the Kindle publishing service.

Publisher-directed purchasing activity: If we determine that purchases/borrows of your book are originating from accounts that are attempting to manipulate our services, it may result in termination of your account and loss of royalties.

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